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HomeCleanse- Anti-allergen spray for tepper, gardiner og myke møbler for å redusere støvmidd, kjæledyr, pollenpartikler og muggsporer i hjemmet ditt som forårsaker irritasjon i øyne, nese, svelg og bryst.

HomeCleanse ™ er viktig for personer som lider av allergiske reaksjoner på støvmitt og spiller en viktig rolle i å redusere tilstedeværelsen av kjæledyrallergener, pollen eller mugg i hjemmet også. Det er en spray som ikke gir flekker, som du kan bruke på alle myke møbler som du ikke kan vaske, f.eks. madrasser, dyner, tepper, tepper og sofaer. 

Basert på negativt ladede overflateaktive stoffer og nøye utvalgte eteriske oljer, er HomeCleanse ™ trygt og effektivt og vil bidra til å forhindre alle former for allergiske reaksjoner - øye-, nese-, hals-, bryst- og hudirritasjoner.

Rommene skal sprayes med 4 sprut per kvadratmeter. Påføringshyppigheten avhenger av det fornærmende allergenet.
Pollensesong: en gang i uken
Dyr og støvmid: en gang i mnd


Providing allergy prevention products since 2000

Bio-Life International Ltd is a family owned company based in South Warwickshire, on the edge of the Cotswold Hills. The Directors, Graham Warmington and Mary Lloyd live on a small holding along with their 3 dogs, a cat and 16 sheep with frequent visits from 3 grown up children. Needless to say, it is a busy place!

The company was set up on the eve of the new millennium 2000, when a colleague persuaded Mary that the products that she formulated and mixed for friends in her kitchen were ideal for the emerging market for allergy treatments. In September 2000, following extensive product testing, PetAlCleanse, the award winning pet cleanser was launched at the Chemex Show for pharmacies in London.

Staying true to our values

As an independent, family-run business we think it's vital we stay true to our values. We employ local people here in Banbury and remain true to our origins — treating the cause and not just the symptoms and above all, listening to our customers. The Allergy Helpline is always answered by a person and not a call centre, and it is open 8am to 7pm, 7 days per week.

Overseas, distributors are selected on the same basis and the products are currently exported to 15 countries in Europe and even to Japan. Needless to say, the business is no longer based in the family kitchen but it retains its enthusiasm for innovation utilising natural ingredients wherever possible and enjoys long term relations with distributors who invariably become friends and not just customers. This involves a great deal of travel but it is very rewarding and ensures a steady flow of new ideas for the future — that hopefully, are beneficial to you.

Bio-Life International in 2021

Today, the company manufactures eighteen product lines in the UK that prevent allergic reactions to dust mite, pet allergens, mould and pollen as well as chemically friendly skincare range for humans and pets. Mary, an ex-Edinburgh University consultant and Boots Company employee who specialised in preventative health, continues to concentrate on the technical developments whilst Graham, an Accountant and Property Developer, provides the funding and day to day management of all aspects of the business. Indeed, he is now well immersed in the allergy topic and passionate about what the company does!


PetalCleanse®, AirCleanse®, HomeCleanse®, FabriCleanse® and EcoCitrocin® are registered trade marks of Bio-Life International Limited.

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